Ron Grace – Lost For A Reason
In 2004, Ron Grace was on a motorcycle trip with his wife through the Navajo Reservation in Arizona when their bike broke down. A Navajo police officer stopped by to see if they needed help and shared stories with Ron about the challenges of life on the reservation, such as nearly a 50% unemployment rate along with high rates of domestic abuse, alcoholism, suicide and poverty. Ron was haunted by what he learned until finally he decided to take another trip to the reservation with food, water and clothing for the people there. When Ron shared what he was up to with his friends and family, the response of others wanting to help was overwhelming and he knew he could do much more if they all pulled together. Ron founded Lost For A Reason in 2012 to rally his team of volunteers together to help the people on the Navajo reservation, and they’ve helped close to 6,000 people through various projects since they started.