Celebrating 33 years of music, ideas, & community on the radio


National Sponsors

Bohemian Foundation


Bohemian Foundation is a private family foundation established in 2001. Based in Fort Collins, Colo., Bohemian Foundation works to empower citizens and impact communities through its responsive grant making programs and special initiatives. Visit us at bohemianfoundation.org



Since 1989, Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) has distributed funds from a 1/10 of 1% sales and use tax to cultural facilities throughout the seven-county Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. The funds support cultural facilities whose primary purpose is to enlighten and entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement and preservation of art, music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history.

Boulder Arts Commission - eTown

Boulder Arts Commission


The Boulder Arts Commission was established in 1979 to increase awareness and support for the arts. It consists of five members appointed by City Council for five-year terms.

Local Sponsors

Rocky Mtn. Tech Team / eTown


eTown sponsors receive a variety of benefits including on-air acknowledgements. Sponsorship levels can be customized to your needs, but we work hard to help you communicate your brand to a very directed audience while broadening your image with the positive association eTown provides.

If you or your company is interested in becoming a national or local sponsor of eTown, please call our office at (303)443-8696 x100, or email info@etown.org and use the subject line “Sponsoring eTown”.

Thanks for your interest!