Dan Rountree’s love for the outdoors was fostered from an early age by his family, who camped throughout the US in the 1950s and 60s until he was old enough to explore on his own. This nurtured love followed him through life and has evolved into a deep and abiding respect for nature.
In 1993, this respect expressed itself in action, when Dan helped found Current Problems, Inc. with Mike Jamerson.
Current Problems, a nonprofit organization was established in 1993 when a Dan and a small group of friends began working together to clean up the trash and contaminants in and along the banks of North Florida’s Santa Fe River. Fifteen years later, this grassroots organization has expanded its focus to include urban creeks, rivers, ponds, and lakes throughout north central Florida.
ADOPT A RIVER, Current Problems’ original program, addresses the visible contaminants in waterways by removing human trash and invasive species.
RESTORE A SHORE, the second program under the Current Problems’ umbrella, focuses on the invisible contaminants by preserving and revegetating shorelines.
PLANT A POND, a relatively new program, works with businesses, schools, and neighborhoods to adopt and plant stormwater ponds for the purpose of improving water quality, biodiversity, and wildlife habitat.