Bill Ayres – WHYHunger
In September of 1973, Harry Chapin was a guest on Bill Ayres ABC radio network show "On This Rock." During Bill's interview with Harry, they both expressed sadness and anger at the rampant poverty and hunger in the world and in their own backyards. This conversation led to the creation of the global nonprofit
WhyHunger (originally World Hunger Year) in 1975, which continued to grow after Chapin's death in 1981. WhyHunger looks at the root causes of hunger and empowers grassroots organizations all over the world to provide people with food, job-training programs, nutrition education, community economic development, healthcare, youth programming, and leadership development. WhyHunger has provided nearly 7 million meals for children in need in 17 countries; aided more than 10 million families, children, and veterans by helping them gain access to nutritious food; assisted 8,400+ organizations around the world; and referred more than 4,300 low-income families to a site in their community to receive meals, among many other accomplishments.
Contact Information:
Phone: 212-629-8850
Address: 505 Eighth Avenue Suite 2100 | New York, NY 10018