When:February 1, 2016
Time:6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Cost: $50 VIP, $10 GA See ticket link for price information
This event will go on as scheduled!
Sign up for the web stream HERE
VIP Doors and Reception: 4:30pm
Doors Open: 5:30pm
Show Start: 6:00pm
Show Finish: 7:30pm
VIP After Party: 8:00pm
The Evolution of Medicine is excited to present our first Functional Forum in Boulder, CO. Drawing on the amazing talent in the city of Boulder, we bring you speakers on the hottest topic in integrative and functional medicine: Gut Health.
Hear from leaders in the field as they look at the strategies, tools and modalities to help your patients achieve and maintain good gut function - with implications for the rest of the body and even our planet.
Our three keynote speakers draw from a range of backgrounds, representing the wide range of health professionals watching the Functional Forum around the globe.
Firstly, we welcome Boulder native Dr. Jill Carnahan, a leading Functional Medicine doctor and sought after speaker. She will share some of her tough GI cases and the strategies she has used to turn them around, as well as, the key learnings from those cases.
Marc David, also from Boulder, is Founder of the Institute for Psychology of Eating, one of the premier places on the web for the general public and health professionals to further their understanding of the cross section of nutrition, psychology, science and the soul.
Sayer Ji rounds off the keynotes with a discussion of what we can learn from the microbiome, not only for our own health, but also in our understanding of what it means to be human. Sayer is Founder of GreenMedInfo.com, working with a number of organizations dedicated to preserving health freedom and empowering medical evolution.
The three of them are joined on the live, interactive panel by two other Boulder transplants, leading pharmacist and NYT best selling author Dr. Izabella Wentz and SCDLifestyle.com founder Steven Wright.
Jill Carnahan MD
Clinical Case Studies for Tough GI Cases
Marc David
Digestion: A Mind-Body-Energy Approach
Sayer Ji
The Macro Implications of the Microbiome
Dr. Izabella Wentz
Steve Wright