When:May 5, 2024
Time:7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Where:eTOWN HALL / 1535 Spruce Street, Boulder, CO 80302

Doors: 6:30 pm

Show: 7 pm

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Help MAJI SAFI GROUP and PROJECT C.U.R.E. bring medical equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to health care facilities in the remote and impoverished Rorya District in Tanzania. Even a stretcher or a basic heart monitor can make a huge difference and save lives!

Every dollar given equals more than $10 worth of equipment! Every dollar given is matched 2:1! 

Presented by Maji Safi Group.

If you’re unable to attend this event, but would still like to support this cause, please CLICK HERE.

Live Music from Espresso! and Logo Ligi – and don’t forget to visit our market with arts and crafts items from Tanzania and the US.

There will be a cash bar.



Maji Safi Group (MSG)

Maji Safi Group (MSG) is a Boulder-based nonprofit cofounded by Boulder native Bruce Maj Pelz. For the past 12 years, we have promoted health and disease prevention in underserved and impoverished areas of the Mara Region in Tanzania. Through holistic community empowerment, we design and implement participatory, interactive programs to create a sustainable model that will benefit present and future generations. We focus on building water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in schools and health care facilities, on teaching health and disease prevention (especially Menstrual Hygiene Health), on disseminating health info via Information Communication Technology, and on building WASH Hubs – community centers that offer multiple services under one roof. Maji Safi Group’s on-the-ground staff is 100% Tanzanian and primarily female, with our key employees being Community Health Educators (CHEs). Made up entirely of host-community locals and predominantly female, our CHEs bring a historical, cultural, and language-specific perspective to the services and interventions provided. Their main role is community outreach and education. Every day, our dedicated staff works tirelessly to empower their communities through MSG’s lifesaving programmatic work. In 2024, one of our major goals is to bring as much medical equipment as possible from Project C.U.R.E. to the health care facilities (HCFs) we work with in the Rorya District. In cooperation with the District Medical Office, 10 HCFs were selected and assessed in February this year. The need is tremendous! One example is the Sokoraboro Dispensary. This remote, small clinic manages about 50 births a month and requested things a simple as bassinets, birthing beds, surgical instruments for deliveries, fetoscopes, birthing kits, sterile gloves, and a scale. Each container from Project C.U.R.E. holds approximately $400,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies. Cost per container: $30,000 – Just imagine the world of difference this can make! Project C.U.R.E.’s warehouse is ready!

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