2004 was such a wonderful year for conversation at eTown that it was difficult to pick just one interview to showcase in our “Best of 2004” episode. We wanted to be able to share a few additional stellar interviews with some professional heavy hitters such as Paul Krugman, Hunter Lovins, & Harvey Wasserman. Check them out below!
Paul Krugman – Economist & New York Times Columnist:
“A while back, the big three automakers who also operate in Canada, sent an open letter to the government in Canada saying, please do not tamper with the system of national health insurance which has an enormous business advantage. It’s very… it would be very hard, for us [the companies] if we have to start paying for health benefits for each worker… the ideology has led the United States to a disastrous system which is twice as expensive as anybody else’s and provides pretty poor results…”
Hunter Lovins- Co-chair & President of Natural Capitalism Solutions, Author, and Lawyer:
“Natural Capital is one of the forms of capital that isn’t counted on anybody’s balance sheet. We count manufactured & financial capital but there’s also the natural capital like estuaries, grasslands, and a stable climate.”
Harvey Wasserman – Energy Expert & Author
“Fossil Fuels are not going to last. They’re going to run out eventually, but more importantly now, as we found out the planet cannot sustain human life if we continue to burn these fossil fuels. We can’t burn coal, oil, and gas and sustain the kind of global warming and other climactic disasters. We are not looking at global warming, which sounds kind of benign but global climate chaos…”
Listen to the full interview here: